
NuMI Beam line
NuMI Beam line. Picture courtesy of Fermilab.

The experimental neutrino group makes significant contributions to a number of International Collaborations. 

Links describing these experiments, as well as the work that the ISU group does can be found below.

  • ANNIE logo

    The Accelerator Neutrino Neutron Interaction Experiment (ANNIE) is an advanced R&D detector designed to measure the neutron yield of atmospheric neutrino interactions in gadolinium-doped water.

  • DUNE Logo

    The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is a planned long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment, to be built in Lead, South Dakota.

  • LAPPD at ISU Test Stand

    Large-Area Picosecond Photo-Detectors (LAPPDs) are a new kind of imaging photodetector designed to provide exquisite time resolution.

  • NOvA Logo

    The NuMI Off-axis νe Appearance (NOvA) experiment is a long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment near Ash River, Minnesota which has been recording data since 2014.