Our group makes significant contributions a number of aspects of neutrino physics research.
A key focus of the group is long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments, namely NOvA and DUNE. The researchers in these experiments send beams of neutrinos over hundred of miles to be observed by very large particle physics detectors. These experiments allow us to measure crucial properties of neutrino mixing that will open the door to a better understanding our Universe.
The group also works on the development of new technologies to detect neutrinos. As part of this effort we are building ANNIE, an experiment that will measure the neutron yield of neutrino interaction. ANNIE will incorporate Large-Area Picosecond Photo-Detectors, a new photo-detection technology which the group is developing.
"Neutrinos are a billion times more abundant than the elementary particles of which we're made. So clearly, if you want to understand the universe, you have to understand the neutrinos."
Boris Kayser